From Ensenada

The GPS can be more of a disturbance than a tool here in the Valle due to the small roads, so we recommend following our written directions. If you prefer to use your gps as a reference we recommend activating it when your on the highway 3. And instroducing as a reference “Corona del Valle”, which is a winery here on the same dirt road just a few miles before us. And before arriving there you will see the Lumi-signs that are easy to follow.


You will take the highway 1 to leave the city and in El Sauzal turn to your right to enter the highway 3 going to Tecate and Ruta del Vino. About 20min on the highway 3 you will pass the town San Antonio de las minas, and just a few minutes after on km89.5 turn to your left to enter the dirt road. You can see signs there from Corona del Valle, Viñedos Don Tomás and Xecué, we all use the same entrance. Once on the dirt road you can follow the Lumi signs until reception (it’ll take you about 7min).
